
159] Translation From Previous Exams 5 [Egypt GCSE & Samples]

Translate into Arabic 5 (Your Language)   50.    Why do we no longer think of the beauty of nature or stop to admire an attractive scene? We wonder what the reason is Is it the rush of modern life, or the heavy burden of earning a living? [Previous Exams & Example Translation] 51.    It's difficult to control one's feelings. Children express their emotions more freely than adults do. They can't hide their hatred or love to those who live around them. When they are frightened they can't help screaming or running according to the circumstances. [Previous Exams & Example Translation] 52.    To bring up a child is a very complex process. The father and the mother are the child's first educators. Every mistake they make in bringing up their children is a battle lost in the fight for a better future. Children should be armed with good qualities in order to become good citizens. [Previous Exams & Example Translation] 53.    Nuclear energy seems in

158] Translation From Previous Exams 4 [Egypt GCSE & Al-Azhar Al-Sharif]

Translate into Arabic 4 (Your Language)   41.    Many people have made great contributions to the world. It is important to remember them. We should be grateful to them for the things that they have done for the humanity. [GCES EGYPT-STAGE 2-Sample] 42.    The lighthouse at Alexandria was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It stood on the island of pharos. It was destroyed by earthquakes. [GCES EGYPT-STAGE 2-Sample] 43.    Education is becoming more and more important. People have to continue learning new skills throughout their lives. One person may do several different jobs. [GCES EGYPT-STAGE 2-Sample] 44.    Children are the hope and the future of the country. To bring them up properly, both parents and teachers should understand their characters. [Diploma Examination for Teacher Training Schools-First Session-1992] 45.    President Mubarak always states that industry, agriculture and tourism are the main sources of our national income. Great projects ar
